Wednesday, September 16, 2015


To the "ladies" on the View,

I've kept pretty quiet here recently, regarding the latest escapade trending through social media. My newsfeed is flooded with nurses taking a stand behind a profession that they have committed their life to. I have read a ton of posts with nurses telling their stories, sharing pictures, holding up their "doctor" stethoscopes, supporting what they do, and coming together as one. But most importantly not just nurses the entire medical community including providers, nurses, respiratory therapists, CNAs, etc. have come together to support each other.

I'm not sure exactly what these five women were thinking when they began to open their mouth and discuss one of the most respected professions of all time. I'm not sure why they think that it's okay to put down other women or men that are successful and have chosen a career much more worthy than the careers that they have. I'm not exactly sure how they thought what they said the next day was an "apology". But then again there are many things in this world that I do not understand...

I refuse to spend anymore time discussing these "ladies", because clearly they are uneducated and misinformed of what the healthcare profession is really about! I would like to educate them on one thing that I learned as a young girl "actions speak louder than words." So yes, ladies to answer your question "I was listening!"

I am a nurse, a registered nurse! I have not chosen this career, this career has chosen me! It is my life! It is my passion! I work in an emergency room on a peninsula that stabilizes all traumatic patients (because the closest level 1 trauma center is 2 1/2 hours away) some of these patients are shipped to a higher level of care either by helicopter or by ambulance. But we see it all first! I am no better than a MedSurg nurse, pediatric nurse, OR nurse, ICU nurse, L&D nurse, psych nurse, etc.. I am a nurse who loves the chase and the organized chaos. I have a stethoscope, OH by the way it looks JUST like the stethoscope that the provider or doctor has that is going to come in after me to talk to you, to examine you! But I'm pretty sure after the past 48 hours that these ladies know that!

It takes a special person to be a nurse, the sacrifices that are made to help complete strangers and to keep them alive for no other reason, than to be there for them. Simple compassion and RESPECT for mankind, the human race! The things that we see in a 12 hour shift is unreal and unimaginable! The car accident where two young boys (7&9) were ejected out of the car... who do you think held their hands? Who do you think placed IVs, and pushed blood as fast as they could? Who do you think worked side by side with the doctor to hopefully save their lives, double checking every medication dosage, questioning any order that might not be right?? My guess is your answer would be #justanurse. In the next room who do you think listened to the patient cry as he was just diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 51 with a child who just became a freshman in high school? Who do you think stood beside the young teenager who was lied to, cheated on, and was just diagnosed with genital herpes? Who do you think had to hold a baby as he was getting a lower body cast on due to a femur fracture related to abuse? Who do you think was cussed out by the heroin overdose who's life was just saved? Who do you think had to explain to the new mother the correct dosage of Tylenol and ibuprofen for their child with a fever to help prevent multiple trips to the ER?? #justanurse Who do you think helped talk a manic depressed patient from committing suicide? Who do you think told the doctor that the patient needs to be on a pressure machine to help get the fluid off the patient's lungs so he's no longer drowning in his own fluid? Who do you think told the doctor, I think this patient needs to be seen now, he's anxious, unable to speak, or move his left side? Who do you think spent many a nights calming down that ONE Alzheimer's patient, talking to him and comforting him?  #justanurse

And when I'm not in the ER, I work in home health, where there is no physician, but I still have that  stethoscope... There is no one to turn to.. it's me and the patient. I get to hold their hand and teach them, care for them, call the doctor when something is not right, be their voice!

This is not doctor vs. nurse... I work with some of the best physicians out there... this is the medical field vs. ignorance... So Joy whatever your last name is... and Michelle Collins, whoever you are... what were you thinking? Now you get to watch as 3 million nurses unite and support each other against your show and your opinions! It's not about tough skin, because I'm pretty sure your producers made you all "apologize"! It's about being decent human beings! But the next time that you or your family members need some sort of medical assistance, you will be greeted by a nurse with a smile, someone who will treat you with compassion and empathy, because that's what we do!

An ER nurse from the Eastern Shore!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Ninja Turtles and Nursing

Okay guys... I made it.. my 2nd post in less than a year... you all should be proud. Don't get excited though it's only my 2nd post, technically my 3rd.

So, having a full-time job I had to work over the weekend. To those who don't know I am a nurse and work 12 hour shifts. Friday was a very productive day (well I don't know about THAT productive; it only took me 4 hours to clean both of my dirty little rugrats' rooms).  Saturday morning as I leave out the door I tell my children "On Monday, I expect these rooms to look like they do now or close to it. If not Mommy is going to be upset." Deep down I knew this was almost impossible, but it was worth the try. Usually throwing the phrase "makes mommy upset" they have a little bit of remorse and listen well at least for a little bit. I beg their father "please don't let my work go in vain". Well we all know how this works; he says "okay" but by the look on his face states that I'm just interrupting his Saturday cartoons ;). I just hold my breath and wait til Monday.

On Sunday, I get the look from my hubby that he's exhausted with the infamous quote as I'm leaving for work "Thank God you're off tomorrow!" About thirty minutes later I get this picture
As I literally laugh out loud, I already know the day my baby-daddy (my favorite nickname for him) is going to have. (P.S. the Hulk is Miss Thang this costume seems to fit her personality the best :-) ).
I go throughout my day ya know, saving lives.... haha totally kidding. And about half way through my day I receive another picture...
Along with it came a text: "Addy, is cheering him on saying 'Go ninja, Go ninja, Go!'" Yes, just in case you were wondering that is my 5 year old son, climbing my door frame... as I laugh again, deep down all I can picture is him falling and breaking his arm. Now my hubby knows I'm a nurse, and HE knows that I work in the ER and HE hears stories of all the little ones I see with broken limbs... so why is he letting him do this; while taking a picture. lol I'll never know. I show a few fellow nurses at work and I got the "Oh, he's a boy" while they laugh...  No, Thank God he did not get hurt... and I have seen him do this a couple of times since I've been home and EVERY time I cringe inside and say a little prayer.
This is a typical day in my house... most of you can relate, this I am sure... Children leave you guessing all the time... Sometimes, I have no idea what they are going to do or say.... I think sometimes as the days and weeks progress we (well I know I do) get tired and exhausted and take for-granted the little things or I guess in this case the BIG things ... that today my children are healthy and alive. The job I do is tough, I never know what I am going to see... some days are worst than others.
After this weekend though.. it was a quick check back to reality... I am BLESSED more than I know...
I am thankful that my children have a heartbeat and are alive.. unlike the patient's hand I held who during her 2nd trimester found out her baby's heartbeat had stopped beating or one of my best friend's who can't wait to hold her first child, but has had two miscarriages.
I am thankful my children can talk in full sentences; unlike the several children this weekend that couldn't say a complete sentence without gasping for air... with a mask on for hours to  just help them breathe.
I am thankful that my children have never had to experience a major surgery or even have one worry that their heart is not working correctly or that their face, body, and legs are suddenly not working correctly like other children that I've seen here recently.
I am thankful that they are healthy and alive, that they are able to climb walls, and that they are able to get on my nerves because at the end of the day that's their job. There are mother's out there who wish their child could run, talk, hear, breathe, and climb. Who fight for their child's health everyday. My heart breaks for them... As a mother that is your greatest fear..
Sometimes it's good for me to see these things because it makes me appreciate how lucky I truly am.... Tonight, I'm going to kiss my children again, say a little prayer, and thank GOD for my blessings that I tend to take for-granted more than I should!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Routines and imperfections

So I started this Blog.. to share with the world my life... A way for me to communicate/vent/boast/or just talk with other moms and with people willing to listen (or read in this case)....  And of course, I got too busy and never followed through.... (again the story of my life)

So since last July much has happened, we moved to our new house and became official homeowners, my son started kindergarten, my daughter became fully potty-trained, and my husband started back to school (AGAIN)... leaving me with little time to think or sleep.

I told myself this year, I'm going to stay ahead of the game, I'm going to get organized quick, Stick to a routine, and actually cook dinner... So far so good (except weekends). 3 weeks into school and my children have had a homemade dinner on their table almost every night (which those of you who know me, know this is a big deal). See when my son was first born, my fiancĂ© preached routine, routine, routine.... and I being a young new mom, thought to myself routine is not that important, it was never a necessity to me in my life... so I agreed I would try, but never held my end of the bargain up... Then came Miss Thang, which I like to call her, (unplanned, our little surprise, 15 months after her big brother, beautiful little girl). She has given a new meaning to the phrase horrific threes and attitude. OH but don't under estimate her because this girl can light up a room with her smile. She made me realize how important routine was.... which means HE was right.... so the other night after dinner and when the kids were in bed... we got our twenty minute conversation in while our eyes were still open... and I actually admitted to him that he was right (although it could have just been sleep deprivation :-)). Boy, Oh boy did he bask in his glory... kept asking me to say it again (you know how it goes, cant just take a compliment ;-) ). This realization has helped me understand that this parenting thing is a team sport, that we are going to continue to grow as a family. We're going to have a lot of bumps and bruises along the way, but more smiles and laughter. That he is going to be right about a lot of things, that he too also has their best interests in mind, that he loves them just as much as I do. I see it in his eyes every time he looks at them.

I guess I'm just proud of myself... for years and years I've compared my self to other moms/people/friends putting my self down because I didn't do things like everyone else. Why were my kids always acting crazy in front of company? Why were my children's stories always worse? Why are my kids more aggressive? Why do I never have enough time to do anything? Why isn't my house as clean as there's? Etc. I've finally realized that my life is perfect just the way it is. My children in ALL their imperfections are perfect!!

Toys all over the floor means my children have way more than they need.

Laundry that is NEVER caught up, just means we have a life too, and we don't have to walk around naked (trust me it's a site).

Dishes piled up, means that I get to thank God every night for making sure we have food on our table for not just one meal, but all three.

Dirt on my floor means my children get to play outside, see/enjoy sunshine, and a roof over their heads to protect them from the weather.

Fingerprints on my windows (that are never cleaned off) means that children live here.

But what's best of all is that every night, I have to sing to them "You are my sunshine", afterwards,  they give me a huge hug and a kiss; and tell me "I love you, mom!" I must be doing something right!

I finally understand that life is not always about everyone else... it's about you... and In my own time I will get to where I need to be; one day at a time.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Just Trying to Make it...

This is the first post into our life. We are in the process of buying our first house as a family. We are a typical American family with a not so big income in a world that doesn't seem to care. The point of this BLOG is to share with you my life, I coupon, I work full time, I'm a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a laundromat, a chef, a maid, a taxi, and a woman. I'm always asked how to coupon, how I get the deals I get. This will  be a window into all that along with me attempting to remodel our home as inexpensively as I can. This will be an adventure and I'm inviting the world to share.